

Characterizing US contact patterns relevant to respiratory transmission from a pandemic to baseline: Analysis of a large cross-sectional survey
Juliana C. Taube, Zachary Susswein, Vittoria Colizza, Shweta Bansal (2024) medRxiv

The extent and drivers of gender and race/ethnicity imbalance in infectious disease dynamics research
Juliana C. Taube*, Alexes Merritt*, Shweta Bansal (2024) bioRxiv

Peer-reviewed articles

Spatiotemporal trends in self‑reported mask‑wearing behavior in the United States: Analysis of a large cross‑sectional survey
Juliana C. Taube, Zachary Susswein, Shweta Bansal (2023) JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 9: e42128

The global landscape of smallpox vaccination history and implications for current and future orthopoxvirus susceptibility: a modelling study
Juliana C. Taube*, Eva C. Rest*, James O. Lloyd-Smith, Shweta Bansal (2022) The Lancet Infectious Diseases 23(4): 454-462.

An open-access database of infectious disease transmission trees to explore superspreader epidemiology
Juliana C. Taube, Paige B. Miller, John M. Drake (2022) PLoS Biology 20(6): e3001685

* Equal contribution